NBA Finals all set: Showtime vs. Sexytime

showtimevssexytimeWell, after what seems like 2.5 years, and what was actually 2+ months, the matchup for the NBA Finals is set.  We’re attempting to be the first outlet in all of Blogfrica to bring you a Finals preview with a skosh of analysis.  So, without further ado, let’s dig in.

On paper, this looks like a no-brainer.  After all, the Lakers have Kobe.  And they play in L.A.  Those two factors have to be worth at least 2 or 3 games, right?  As Lee Corso (get well soon) might say, not so fast my friend.  The Sexytime Magic are the NBA equivalent of Utah or Boise State in a BCS bowl game.  Sure, their roster isn’t as talented.  Of course, they’ll have the coaching matchup appear on the debit side of their ledger.  However, they’re just awkward enough to beat teams they shouldn’t.  After the jump, more analysis fun.

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